Saturday, April 17, 2010

Home - Day 3

Here we are, 11:22am on a Saturday and we've already been up and out. With K feeding, I'm watching a little bit of the 'home building' tv that Saturday can offer. I'm psyched that her milk appears to be coming in but we'll see as the day progresses.

We're waiting for the results of Bam's second BusBar test. Ok, it's really his BiliRubin number which was 13 yesterday. We're hoping for a lower number and given he's been chowing down, I think that's very reasonable. Dr. Coleman (Ray for those of us that are friends) agrees that these are 'just numbers' and that it won't be going up and being admitted won't be necessary.

Also on today's agenda is to get his swing built and pictures loaded. Not so easy given we can't stop taking pictures. LOL. Speaking of pictures, K isn't really into the idea of my posing CJ in things like pots or Jake's food dish, in order to take more creative photos. I hope she eases up and I can get some fun shots.

The professional photographer comes Wednesday but I'm still hopeful I can get some super shots of my own. Given how proud I am of my own skills, I think it's really important that my style comes out when it comes to my baby and especially at this time when you can't ever get it back! He changes so much every day so not for nothing but I may have to do some shots while she's sleeping to get what I want. Problem there is the lighting but we'll figure it out :)

He's so cute!

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