Sunday, May 2, 2010

Not so Sleepy Sunday

Calvin still hasn't learned the difference between night and day as he slept quite well yesterday evening but came alive during the night.

We worked further on that today as while he tried to sleep long and hard, CJ had less time for naps today though he had a long one in the late afternoon.

We don't have a ton of activities for him but we really must give him something to do after feeding each and Every time. This evening he will go for a walk outside and a bath before we try to have him sleep longer through the night.

Just like most people, if warm and comfy, sleep will commence. Well, I know I prefer a slight chill in the air but to be wrapped up under warm blankys. Not sure how well that fits with what the lil'one needs or how it might play out for us sleeping under the same roof as I've been sleeping on the couch the past 2 nights.

This certainly isn't optimal for either parent as I know Mom would like to receive some late night/early morning assistance and I'd prefer to sleep with my wife in our bed. While there hasn't been milk available for me to feed him the past 2 evenings anyway, the air conditioning I've had on has truly helped me get some good rest and feel better overall. Alas, I haven't been much help through the night. We'll come to an understanding for sure.

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