Friday, April 30, 2010

Home - Day (up to)18 - Catch-up

Catching Up:
Wednesday night: Bath #2

A better day and a much better night! I was home all day with him and mom, allowing me to spend more time with him and help mom out. It was made a bit more difficult by my being so wiped out and catching a little cold. Nothing that could be contageous but it certainly knocked me backwards. So the day started with me resting with the little man on my chest.

So we did that for a few hours and I think we even got a vistor with Donna coming by and stealing him away for a few minutes. Well, I was able to get up and welcome the Olk Family clan down from NY.

Anyway, I'm better today as I was able to get some good rest last night thanks to bear sleeping real well. Let's move onto today as I could ramble forever.


Appears that the 'catch-up' section is going to be a regular feature based on CJ's need for constant attention. Imagine that, a baby needing lots of love and attention. Happy to give it and he's happy to receive, though it's more crying for needs than crying cause he doesn't get to play enough.

At least he's learning how to play after feeding, or maybe we are. The book (The Baby Whisperer) told us about E.A.S.Y. (Eat, Activity, Sleep, You-time) so we're trying to institute that into our lives but it's only been a few days so I'll try to keep you updated.

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