Thursday, May 6, 2010


Not much to report but it's been a few days. CJ of the Day has been making others happy.

We still don't have much of a schedule and that's screwing things up around here for sure. We'll figure one out, though we're into the third week. The 12th is a month of my boy!

Anyway, back to it.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Not so Sleepy Sunday

Calvin still hasn't learned the difference between night and day as he slept quite well yesterday evening but came alive during the night.

We worked further on that today as while he tried to sleep long and hard, CJ had less time for naps today though he had a long one in the late afternoon.

We don't have a ton of activities for him but we really must give him something to do after feeding each and Every time. This evening he will go for a walk outside and a bath before we try to have him sleep longer through the night.

Just like most people, if warm and comfy, sleep will commence. Well, I know I prefer a slight chill in the air but to be wrapped up under warm blankys. Not sure how well that fits with what the lil'one needs or how it might play out for us sleeping under the same roof as I've been sleeping on the couch the past 2 nights.

This certainly isn't optimal for either parent as I know Mom would like to receive some late night/early morning assistance and I'd prefer to sleep with my wife in our bed. While there hasn't been milk available for me to feed him the past 2 evenings anyway, the air conditioning I've had on has truly helped me get some good rest and feel better overall. Alas, I haven't been much help through the night. We'll come to an understanding for sure.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Got the Friday Wiggles

Friday: (Home Day 18)

Parents' Olk got to witness first-hand just how strong our little guy truly is! While we're told by books and websites that it'll be ok if he doesn't lift his head in the first 6 months. Well, how about in the first 6 days!!?

Oh yes, I didn't report but now all know it to be true: Calvin is some kind of power lifting miracle child. He not only lifts his head from off my chest but it's as if he has some place to be and the world is in his way! Legs kicking, arms flailing, these are things that I see as 'normal' so he doesn't have the coordination or control to actually run any place but "don't put your crotch near those toes if you wanna try for another one" is what CJ appears to be telling me.

So neck strength to lift his head up is strong but the strength to keep it from falling forward, not so much. It's all good though as who would-have thought he could do This much?! I totally need to insert video into one of these.

Oh and not only that, he likes to adjust his view from left to right. He can't get enough looking around and wiggling around. It's why I call him Wiggles :) Well, that and the fact that when I'm changing him he won't just stop. Scrunching up his knees towards his chest and kicking them back out like he's doing an upside down breaststroke kick on land. Guess he when wants to work on his abs, he's gonna do it and there's nothing you can do about it except cover his privates. Yes, he likes to shoot a strong stream over his head towards the wall, the lamp or Mom.

He's got her at least 3 times before she got the message and pulled out the pee pee tee pees that cousin Seth gave us. They look like mini-yamikas for a mini-willie. Have you ever seen em? Well, I won't give you a shot of them in use but if you have a little boy, I suggest em.

I also use little wash clothes to cover his junk too. Helps when you have 30+ years of experience with the equipment ;)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Home - Day (up to)18 - Catch-up

Catching Up:
Wednesday night: Bath #2

A better day and a much better night! I was home all day with him and mom, allowing me to spend more time with him and help mom out. It was made a bit more difficult by my being so wiped out and catching a little cold. Nothing that could be contageous but it certainly knocked me backwards. So the day started with me resting with the little man on my chest.

So we did that for a few hours and I think we even got a vistor with Donna coming by and stealing him away for a few minutes. Well, I was able to get up and welcome the Olk Family clan down from NY.

Anyway, I'm better today as I was able to get some good rest last night thanks to bear sleeping real well. Let's move onto today as I could ramble forever.


Appears that the 'catch-up' section is going to be a regular feature based on CJ's need for constant attention. Imagine that, a baby needing lots of love and attention. Happy to give it and he's happy to receive, though it's more crying for needs than crying cause he doesn't get to play enough.

At least he's learning how to play after feeding, or maybe we are. The book (The Baby Whisperer) told us about E.A.S.Y. (Eat, Activity, Sleep, You-time) so we're trying to institute that into our lives but it's only been a few days so I'll try to keep you updated.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Call it Tuesday

As it's 1:25am and I'm on 5+ hours for 2+ days, we'll just say it's Tuesday.

Didn't get to see Bammers much the past couple days as I decided to punish myself and work then go to class with a 30 minute nap in between. I guess I should count myself lucky as the girl has had to take on the duty during all the day hours and into the evening. I've been on Bam duty for the majority of the evening but have definitely needed her help in calming him down as he's become quite the screamer.

What I learned is that singing in a calm voice and in a higher pitched tone is the way to go. His favorites has been Twinkle Twinkle and Country Roads, with our go-to being the Tiny Boxes tune with any lyrics you can think of!

Of course, last night I completely blanked on any tune as my brain became as useless as K in a stick-shift (oh no he didn't). I came up with absolutely nothing and wound up just making noises like a hum and praying for him. I hadn't eaten in approximately 10 hours so I just waited patiently and finally laid him down with mom around 3. What happened after that was up to her as again this morning, I was up and out. Whatever.

Somehow I got roped into doing the overnight shift again as it was this or do the 6am feeding. If I'm in bed by 4, I figure I'll pass him along to her after 5 and get some rest. Totally need to since I was surrounded by middle schoolers for two days and I've got the sniffles.

Let's move on from the wah-fest and talk about how he's doing. Other than his own wah-fest, he went to the doctor's Monday and had to be without me so I'm reporting the hear-say. He's gained weight (now 7lbs, 5 oz) from his past 6, 10 about 10 days ago. He's a better color and grown in size but we still have to head back to the hospital tomorrow (Wednesday) to make sure the bilirubin number is still moving in the right direction. Since it's just a number, I'm not worried about it. Just a way to get him and her out of the house. ;)

He had another rough day today and I feel super lucky that he's resting now. I don't feel like it'll be too long now. He ate midnight and usually eats every 2 1/2 hours. It's 230 now. We'll see

I'm exhausted, can't focus on any one topic and have a 'CJ of the Day" to finish for tomorrow. I'm out.



Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend #2 Wrap-up: Sister visits (WFT: Weekend Family Take-over) part one

Home days at home numbering 10 + 11 went pretty well with Aunt Michelle and Uncle Scott visiting from California (Michelle by way of NY). Though Michelle came in Friday evening, we didn't get a visit til mid-Saturday which rocked given I slept til about 2pm, my taking on the 4am + 7am shifts. Man I hope those 4am shifts come to a close tomorrow as the doctor can make it cool for us to start having Calvin sleep through the night but that's for tomorrow's post.
And before I get into this past Sat/Sun, lemme complete Friday as I forgot to mention Bee and I took Cal out for his first walk around the lake! It was a great day weather wise so it worked out really well to head out post photo shoot.

While K took him out for his second walk while I went to class, I was super psyched to share this special occasion with him (and her). I wouldn't want to miss things like this so I'm happy that at this point, I have a real flexible schedule. It doesn't pay real great but I am continually reminded that there are more important things in life...and good thing too! ;)

So getting back to the actual weekend, Saturday involved a pretty major family day that brought the invasion of the Friend Family in full force. While cousins weren't coming, my parents along with Sister and Bro-in-law can be quite overwhelming and proved to be on this particular day. Mostly because I failed to protect my wife from the pressure of leaving Bam in questionably able hands, joining Mich and I along with Scott for a quick coffee. Alas, I gave into the pressuring along with them and while K stood strong and stayed with our son, I was left feeling pretty rotten when I figured out what I had done. Tough trooper that she is, K got over it quick as a shot.

So sis and I headed down to the corner bakery for a snack and had some sibling time to chat it up about things. Mostly I pressed her about her relationship with hubby which has had it's ups and downs. Currently I wouldn't say it was on an upswing but the fat lady's still in make-up and these two love birds are trying to find their own tune to hum together.

Upon my return, I noted Scott holding Calvin in a very comfortable manner seeming to love his time here. I will say that while he may read this blog at some point and at risk of hurting his feelings, he looked at home holding a baby.

So around 730, the family rolls out and the core family of 4 is back to doing our thing. Bam does his eat, poop and sleep routine; Jake fights for attention; Mom consumes herself with the goings-on of Bam; and I'm trying to fill in the blanks.

I would say that kinda covers what our 'usual' is. While it's exhausting for all involved, currently it's working. Do I feel somewhat lost in terms of what I used to be doing? Not really. Short of my being free to head out to play cards, things haven't been all that ridiculous. The sleep schedule is out of control, what with there being a 1am, 4am and 7am night feeding schedule. Both K and I are out of wack when it comes to a normal pattern as we trade off on what shifts who will cover.
Given K primarily covers the day, I try to take on 2 shifts during the night. And before you even start on how this doesn't break up evenly, I'd just like to point out that I do my part during the day by keeping the house in some sort of orderly fashion. (Insert trophy wanting statement)

Personally, I believe it's just as important as anything else that goes on around here. It seems simple enough that I should be taking care of things so that Mommy isn't stressed about anything but things surrounding CJ.

While I'm just happy that this isn't a permanent thing, I'm not complaining. 10 more weeks (minimum) of complete family time....including an entire summer!! Psyched!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Home - Day 9 - Friday

Quick recap of the past few days in order to catch to today:
Umblical cord fell off

First bath
Now onto today. First, I start out the day wonderfully as I basically had the night off with only taking on CJ's feeding at 7am and even then, I got to go back to sleep for about an hour. Sweet sweet sleep, oh how I've missed getting those 6 hours straight in a row as mostly I've taken on the 4am and 7am shifts to try to allow K to get the straight sleep.

Maybe it's overprotective of me but I do worry about her. She's so concerned with Calvin that I think she forgets to take care of herself. I just hope she remembers that she feeds him so she needs to feed herself. I won't always be awake and around =\

This morning, we had our professional photographer. Erin did a wonderful job and I added a couple of pieces of her work below and the link to her blog and information is all included after the pictures. I really suggest you go with her if you ever need photos done for any special occasion. She did such a great job that I'd love to work with her and learn from her. Wonder if she takes on helpers.

Check out the photos and given I'm finishing this on Saturday, I better go.


have lots of towels handy

hgfhg Jesse pictures


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Home - Day 7 - Wednesday (Roll it back to Tuesday)

While it's technically Thursday, I haven't been to sleep so it's still Wednesday for some of us.

Let's recap then....Tuesday, I went to work for an entire 3 hour shift and about an hour in, K calls to tell me that Calvin is back to going nuts. Ya see, he had an interesting Monday evening. Along with it being his one week anniversary to life, his doodle bell hadn't come off. His circumsincison was done in a new fangold manner that puts this little plastic cap on the tip after the chop. It's supposed to fall off after a week give or take a day, so we were waiting. The waiting became more problematic when CJ decided he'd had enough and wanted to cry it off his body.
This theory of his didn't work and it even came down to waking up the docs in the middle of the night to ask em WTF.

So back to the story, I'm at work and CJ is going nuts. I'm asked to call the doc again but alas, I'm in the middle of instructing 28 other souls Algebra, not exactly my strong suit as it is. I agree to call after school and go back to finishing up what needs to be done with work.

Around 240, I call and Ray (Dr. Coleman) tells me not to worry and that he'll take a look if we want but that puss and yellow is fine and indeed, it will fall off but he'd be happy to rip it off if we'd rather. He snickers as he knows 'rip' wasn't the right word and I tell him that if we need, we'll call before we come.

I'll tell ya the truth, I'm not overly concerned but then again, I'm not the one having to listen to the histerics that CJ has been known to go into. Another thing, if my wang was getting pinched by a piece of plastic, I'm sure I'd have a thing or two to yell and cry about too! So for me not to be scared about the safety of my boy's ability to reproduce later in life, has to say something about what kind of danger he's truly in.

I know I can be wrong but man-to-man, I think I known a bit more about the workings of this equipment and would never let anything bad happen to it or to what it's attached to. There has to be something to a father's interision too. Damn my poor spelling. This thing needs a level of auto-correct. I do miss my apple interface sometimes.

Anyway, so later that evening, after we've spoken to Ray and decided not to head over to the doctors, his pasti-bell falls off and all is well in the world. I'm all for making sure everything is ok and I trust the docs of the office without question but there is also a level of needing to take him just to make my wife feel more secure. She's a bit of a worrier and part of my job as hubby and father, is to take care of my wife's needs. One of her needs is the knowledge that her son is safe and out of harm's way. I may question it but I respect it; meaning there is a level of how far I'll go with an argument for or against something regarding my son.

Let's start with the circumcision itself. I wasn't going to let a party where everyone watches his man-hood get chopped, happen. Not on my watch. Lucky for all, my wife had no argument and this lead to the pasti-bell.

I'll have to get into Wednesday, in the next post. Tuesday was a long enough day, given it started Monday night. -sigh-

Monday, April 19, 2010

Home - Day 5 - Welcome to a Brand New Day

Not a simple day. Bamis had a rough one which means the rest of us had a rough one. Hey, they can't all be winners but for his sake, I hope Monday is better.

Monday is also his 1 week anniversary of LIFE! What a good boy he's been. You can tell he's giving his all and so is Mom. All-in-all I truly think we've had a pretty good week. No real blow ups at each other, pretty clear communication and the willingness to give our all to each other. I'm reminded why we got married and why we're perfect for one another: When the times are toughest, we bring out the best in each other. That and the cookies ;)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Home - Day 4 - Good Number

Well, Better number 12.5 was his bilirubin number and that's good enough to stay out of the hospital. It wasn't really a worry unless his number happen to go up so today is a day off from poking and prodding from others. We'll just leave it to him to prod himself. Got himself 3 times on his left cheek. (No I won't always be so specific or ridiculous but I'm new to this whole thing so cut me some slack ;)

My main excitement came at the 530am feeding. Calvin Poo'd! It was a good one too. I'm not weighing them but after his 1 oz. bottle of breast milk, I was patting his back as he quietly laid on my bare chest and then it happened; a warm squirt bottle went off on the palm of my right hand, hold his rear up. I instantly smiled as I knew there was a dirty diaper changing in my future.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not into changing diapers and/or playing with poo-products but since lil'CJ was having issues past the first day with his pooing and peeing, we've been on the look out. He's been crankin' out one a day for the past couple so seeing one early-on meant he hit his quota pre-sunrise!

In other news, last night Mom got another decent amount of sleep as my wish for Calvin came true and he was quiet for most of the night. He really only made noise when I had had enough and had to give him up to mom around 1:45am. I had been holding him for 3 hours and since my right hand had gone numb a few times, I figured it was time for a switch. That, and I couldn't get a hand free to warm any water for his bottle. So I woke Mom and after a pee myself, off to bed I went. Quick 2 1.5 hours but man were they necessary!

All-in-all I got my 6 hours last night and today is a new day. Time to upload some pictures and finish the ^@%$~! swing.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Home - Day 3

Here we are, 11:22am on a Saturday and we've already been up and out. With K feeding, I'm watching a little bit of the 'home building' tv that Saturday can offer. I'm psyched that her milk appears to be coming in but we'll see as the day progresses.

We're waiting for the results of Bam's second BusBar test. Ok, it's really his BiliRubin number which was 13 yesterday. We're hoping for a lower number and given he's been chowing down, I think that's very reasonable. Dr. Coleman (Ray for those of us that are friends) agrees that these are 'just numbers' and that it won't be going up and being admitted won't be necessary.

Also on today's agenda is to get his swing built and pictures loaded. Not so easy given we can't stop taking pictures. LOL. Speaking of pictures, K isn't really into the idea of my posing CJ in things like pots or Jake's food dish, in order to take more creative photos. I hope she eases up and I can get some fun shots.

The professional photographer comes Wednesday but I'm still hopeful I can get some super shots of my own. Given how proud I am of my own skills, I think it's really important that my style comes out when it comes to my baby and especially at this time when you can't ever get it back! He changes so much every day so not for nothing but I may have to do some shots while she's sleeping to get what I want. Problem there is the lighting but we'll figure it out :)

He's so cute!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Home - day 2

Bam went to the doctor again this morning and unlike yesterday, he was fighting weight!

He was born 7lbs, 1.1 oz ,
Discharged at 6.10
Weighed yesterday morning at 6.5
Weighed again this morning at 6.10

Anyway, it's much better as my better half was worried. It's not that I wasn't and that I'm not but I guess it's more that she worries about him and I worry about her. Makes sense to me so that's the story I'm going with.

Time for more laundry and the making of his Rainforest Open-Top Cradle Swing.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Answer is D

As I sit and watch Slumdog Millionaire, I'm very aware of Jamal going through his many hardships throughout and how it shapes his development. How each experience is useful towards the goal of staying on the show and obtaining 'that one thing'. How it's all about this girl. His whole life is all about this 'one'; all about a single focus. That his life has had a single purpose.
I believe each of us search for a single focus in our lives. That each of us experience life challenging and life changing events to help shape us into who we are right now; right this second. To help us obtain some reason that we're on this earth other than to just take up space.

I believe that I've found that focus. I've know it for years and while I only recently figured how how to utilize it in a professional manner, even the fact that I'm unable to practice my profession, speaks to how that is another experience that helps shape me en route to my final destination: Fatherhood.

See I have always wanted a family. I've always wanted to have a child. I've even said two but let's take it one at a time. I have to believe at this point, that this is certainly a final destination. It certainly ain't something I can walk away from, EVER. Not something I want to walk away from or would consider walking away from. It's my acceptance and pleasure to know that this is a responsibility like none other. We ain't 16 and pregnant!

Maybe I cheated.
Maybe I'm lucky.
Maybe I'm a genius.
Maybe it's destiny........Maybe, it was written.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


So I was going to post about how we did the baby's laundry for the first time the other night, but was too tired. It was kinda cool though, going through the clothes and seeing what's what. Guess it's a good once-through so I'm not like "what's he gonna wear?" at the moment he gets home. Then again, given we don't know his exact size and shape and what-have-you, we don't know if he'll be grown out of the newborn stuff before he even gets in it. Have to wait and see. Not too stressed about it.

What I am stressed about is that I'm overloaded with shit to do around here. Hoorah Mom's pregnant and works during the day but christ, does anyone see the amount of shit around here? (Sometimes literal as I'm still on cat doody)

Yes she makes me breakfast on the weekends but otherwise, I'm pretty much on my own for food. Or we eat cookies or some other bullshit that's around here. She made a roast and that turned out good so at least I have that to munch on if I don't feel like cooking, which I haven't. But I've gained just about as much weight as I can possibly handle without feeling like Jabba-the-Hut so I've taken things into my own hands and started exercising and cooking.

Went for my first run last night and it lasted an entire 16 minutes. 2 minutes jog, 2 minutes walk/recover. Today of course I'm sore and was going to try to swim but not sure I have time for that.

I'm still building a closet for Bam. Dude, this kid has more space in this house than I do! I'm so happy that I'm a complete second though in this place as K has two dressers and a closet. I hear this closet isn't functional but when you jam as much crap into as much airspace as possible, I don't care how something is designed, it's going to become non-functional. I've never seen a person have more clothes. The Kardashians would tell her to calm down! But God Forbid I have anything more than a closet and maybe a dressser. It's like there's no room for me in this place and it really hurts my feelings. I've expressed this and the solution is to give me 2 more drawers? There's a reason why all of my crap lives on the living room floor.

I'm really unhappy with the way things just get chucked to the side when I say they're important but if she says something needs to be done, oh shit! Gotta stop whatever's going on....and that isn't just a pregnancy thing but alas, I digress.

All in all, it's been a decent pregnancy in my opinion. I don't have the nauesui that she does. I don't have the swelling and I don't have a X-pound baby sitting on my bladder....what I do have is a wife that needs constant attention (even if she says she doesn't) and I'm pretty much ok with that as I've always been one to rub her feet without asking or turn the sound off the TV if she needs to talk.

Let me get more to the point of what the problem is: I feel alone going into this. It really shouldn't be about my partner. The issue has to start here. So what's the real issue...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Yes, my spelling is horrible. Deal with it.

My retourical question of the day is:

If you only have one pair of shoes that fit, why am I so busy picking up so many other pairs of your shoes?
Either one of us doesn't know how to count or you don't understand the concept of truly having one pair of shoes. In this world of excess, a topic of another and much longer ranting blog-a-thon, I think we should be a bit more accurate.

Not a sermon, just a thought

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Turning and Turning

Guess I'll try until I die. Name of my game this life.

While I'm not a new father yet, I will be within what..6 weeks? Freakin' more and more people are having kids.

This girl I lived with (not like that kids, as I lived with 8 people at the time), is waiting on a kid. She's 40 plus weeks. A girl I knew in High School had her first kid 3 months ago and starts back to work tomorrow!

The list goes on and on. Soon it'll be my turn. How the hell did this go on, I don't know. Ya get married and Boom, kid. I guess it's what comes with waiting 8 years to get married. Well, 33 years but whatever. Not complaining. Just strange the turns of life, ya know?

Anyway, lots of pictures to come and hope to get some sleep soon too!

I guess I'm just too excited these days. It's been like months of this lack of sleep thing. I guess it's my own body's way to get prepare ;)