Thursday, May 6, 2010


Not much to report but it's been a few days. CJ of the Day has been making others happy.

We still don't have much of a schedule and that's screwing things up around here for sure. We'll figure one out, though we're into the third week. The 12th is a month of my boy!

Anyway, back to it.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Not so Sleepy Sunday

Calvin still hasn't learned the difference between night and day as he slept quite well yesterday evening but came alive during the night.

We worked further on that today as while he tried to sleep long and hard, CJ had less time for naps today though he had a long one in the late afternoon.

We don't have a ton of activities for him but we really must give him something to do after feeding each and Every time. This evening he will go for a walk outside and a bath before we try to have him sleep longer through the night.

Just like most people, if warm and comfy, sleep will commence. Well, I know I prefer a slight chill in the air but to be wrapped up under warm blankys. Not sure how well that fits with what the lil'one needs or how it might play out for us sleeping under the same roof as I've been sleeping on the couch the past 2 nights.

This certainly isn't optimal for either parent as I know Mom would like to receive some late night/early morning assistance and I'd prefer to sleep with my wife in our bed. While there hasn't been milk available for me to feed him the past 2 evenings anyway, the air conditioning I've had on has truly helped me get some good rest and feel better overall. Alas, I haven't been much help through the night. We'll come to an understanding for sure.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Got the Friday Wiggles

Friday: (Home Day 18)

Parents' Olk got to witness first-hand just how strong our little guy truly is! While we're told by books and websites that it'll be ok if he doesn't lift his head in the first 6 months. Well, how about in the first 6 days!!?

Oh yes, I didn't report but now all know it to be true: Calvin is some kind of power lifting miracle child. He not only lifts his head from off my chest but it's as if he has some place to be and the world is in his way! Legs kicking, arms flailing, these are things that I see as 'normal' so he doesn't have the coordination or control to actually run any place but "don't put your crotch near those toes if you wanna try for another one" is what CJ appears to be telling me.

So neck strength to lift his head up is strong but the strength to keep it from falling forward, not so much. It's all good though as who would-have thought he could do This much?! I totally need to insert video into one of these.

Oh and not only that, he likes to adjust his view from left to right. He can't get enough looking around and wiggling around. It's why I call him Wiggles :) Well, that and the fact that when I'm changing him he won't just stop. Scrunching up his knees towards his chest and kicking them back out like he's doing an upside down breaststroke kick on land. Guess he when wants to work on his abs, he's gonna do it and there's nothing you can do about it except cover his privates. Yes, he likes to shoot a strong stream over his head towards the wall, the lamp or Mom.

He's got her at least 3 times before she got the message and pulled out the pee pee tee pees that cousin Seth gave us. They look like mini-yamikas for a mini-willie. Have you ever seen em? Well, I won't give you a shot of them in use but if you have a little boy, I suggest em.

I also use little wash clothes to cover his junk too. Helps when you have 30+ years of experience with the equipment ;)